Sunday, October 6, 2013

The Beginning...

The beginning is the most important part of the work-Plato

First things first, this is completely me. I am not going to sugar coat anything. I feel like I need to document everything I can remember   from the Beginning partly because I don't want to forget partly because I want the world to know how everything happened in my once in lifetime love story.

The first time I met him we were 8th graders, and he was my good friend's boyfriend. She kept telling me all about this new kid in our grade and telling me how they were an "official" couple. At first i was like well, let me meet this mysterious kid! I wasn't nervous in the least bit. My friend and i were involved in this play so we had to stay after school and she came in with him not far behind her and she was like "this is my friend Larissa, Larissa this is Luke.

Luke Adam Spearson was this tall, awkward kid who was shy.His hair was brown and curly, partly in his eyes (which I would come to find out he hated!). He had this vibe about him that said "Im a bad boy!".   And I am this outgoing, ask you anything type. I shook his hand and told him to treat her right. He shook his head in agreement and smiled that huge smile of his.I half expected for things to be weird between us, we were after all in that awkward stage in life...
Anyway I always third wheeled it with them. He had a truck and he could drive! Biggest thing in this world when you young! HA! Anyway we would all hang out driving around after school or just at my friends house. We were young and fun consisted of getting out of your house for the evening. 
It was soon after this we had each others cell phone numbers, mainly because my friend would text him on mine.  Then one night he was feeling down about his relationship and called me and we talked for 5 hours, right into the night. I felt like he needed me as much as I needed him and it was awesome. 
The school year came and went, and soon I would be leaving for 6 weeks that summer. Him and my friend were together still, and I was happy for them. But as soon as I left they fell apart. She called and told me about this other guy she met and told me all about how he made her feel so much more special than Luke did. I didn't know what to do. Luke was also calling and texting me how he felt like she was being more distant than ever and how he didn't know what to do and I just put it out there. "Break up with her, Luke, shes seeing someone else and you don't deserve that." 
I don't know where it came from but believe me, I was angry at her and even more upset that she was doing that to someone so loving like him. I felt bad for Luke, because by now we were pretty good friends. So they broke up, and he would call me and talk to me for hours at night, even though I  summer school the whole next day. We grew close and he told me how he always wanted a friend like me in his life and I would say I am  glad we were friends. Never in my mind did I think that we would be anything more. 
Well summer ended and then we went back to school, and one day after school Luke asked if I wanted to go to his house to hang out, and of course I said yes!
Now my house is off the main road back onto this dirt road, all the way back, there are 3 trailers, and 1 brown house along the way. This road isn't very long, maybe 100 ft from the main road to my house at the end! So not a lot of people travel down the road, or even know where it is! So as I am getting in with him to go to his house, which I had never been to before this, I was excited. We made small talk as he drove, then I noticed he was driving the same roads to get to my house. My excitement grew to anger, even a little sadness as he turned into the road that goes to my house in my head in my head I was thinking, "well fine then I guess I'll go home and text him something mean later saying how he tricked me into thinking he was taking me to his house!" And just as I had accepted my fate, he pulled into the first big brown house.

 Right where the picture starts is the turn off to his house to the Right, and the end is my close!! 

I looked at him surprised and said "this is where you live?!" and I had the biggest smile on my face, and he smiled and parked and said "yeah, why?!"  And out of pure nervousness and relief i laughed really hard and he just kept smiling asking me "what? what?", I pulled myself together enough to explain that I only lived down that little dirt and that you could literally see my house down the way, and i had thought he was taking me home! HA HA! Oh man did we laugh over that and then we went inside where he showed me his room and his Nerdy side. How he liked to play an online game called Runescape and that he liked swords (his room was wall to wall swords and knives of all sorts). I explored his room and asked about everything and he would answer with a story about how his grandma or his papa or his mom got him something. I teased him about being a grama's boy and he just smiled. 

I stayed with him until just before my mom got home from work and i rushed down the road to my house and spent the entire night laughing and blushing over how I overreacted about him taking me home. I was still in that innocent stage where I didn't think romance but was excited to have a friend like him. So to have a guy friend who lived that close and to have not told my parents was my own thing. 
Anyway, he kept me on my toes, constantly questioning me about my ability to think through a problem with ease and I would ask him how he was able to keep a straight face! Ha. Overall in the beginning I kept thinking "this guy could be a really good friend!". I didnt realize then how much he would mean to me....

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